- To attend Club meetings regularly
- To prepare all of my speeches to the best of my ability, basing them on projects in the Communications and Leadership Program manual or the Advanced Communication and Leadership Program manuals
- To willingly prepare for and fulfill meeting assignments
- To provide fellow members with helpful, constructive evaluations
- To help the Club maintain the positive, friendly environment necessary for all members to learn and grow
- To willingly serve my Club as an officer when called upon to do so
- To treat my fellow Club members and our guests with respect and courtesy
- To bring guests to Club meetings so they can see the benefits Toastmasters membership offers
- To adhere to the guidelines and rules for all Toastmasters educational and recognition programs
- To maintain honest and highly ethical standards during the conduct of all Toastmasters activities
The Toastmaster’s Promise
As a member of Toastmaster International and my Club, I promise. . .